Membership of the Nepean Medical Association is open to medical students during their training at no cost. The membership category is as an associate member and provides no voting rights. Membership forms should be completed on the website or downloaded and emailed. Membership continues until the end of training when it automatically lapses.
Membership to the Nepean Medical Association is open to all registered medical practitioners subject to payment of the association’s membership fee. All new members require approval by the board. Membership for junior doctors including interns,residents and registrars is available for $50 for a 3-year membership.
Membership of the Nepean Medical Association is open to all registered medical practitioners and retired medical practitioners subject to payment of the annual fee. New memberships require approval by the board. Membership confers full voting rights.
Renewals are due in June each year. Membership forms can be completed on line or downloaded and emailed or posted.